"Now therefore, may it please Thee to bless the house of Thy servant, that it may continue forever before Thee. For Thou, O Lord God, has spoken; and with Thy blessing may the house of Thy servant be blessed forever."

The Lord had made a wondrous promise to David, in regards to the longevity and the fruit that would be born from his lineage, namely the coming Messiah. These promises, would not come in David's lifetime, but he in acknowledging that He was true to His word, rested in God's word. The question we asked ourselves, was what we were trusting in the Lord to do and accomplish? Even if we were not around to see it, but are we believing in God's faithfulness. The Lord moves in ways we cannot think or imagine, in His perfect time and consequence. Don't give up and give in to disbelief in regards to God's perfect will.

Pastor Russell

Opportunities (10/20/2024)

Help Wanted - We are still in need of help in all areas of the ministry.

Upcoming Elections - Please continue to pray for our elections.

Jerusalem - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Prayer Points

Continue to pray for the relief work on going on the East coast with the two hurricanes. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for nation and its upcoming elections.

Lahaina Recovery - Continue to keep in prayer the people of Lahaina and for the entirety of Maui. Long term effects and status of rebuilding, housing for the displaced, job recovery and financial ramifications all come into recovery efforts.

River of Life Mission - Continue to keep the ROLM in prayer. The dynamic ministry is ever changing and morphing. Keep the staff as well as the guests and ministry partners in prayer.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - As the Middle East heats up, pray for the nation of Israel along with all of those in this region who have come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.