surely as I vowed to you, "As the Lord the God of Israel, saying, your son Solomon shall be king after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my place; I will indeed do so this day."
Again, we find the throne of Israel in jeopardy. David, first challenged by his son Absolom who staged a coup, now facing another challenge by Adonijah, who self-appointed himself king, and then staged a coronation celebration, all without the knowledge of David. David, though hindered by age and health issues, makes swift decisive moves to circumvent his son's attempt to steal the throne. Promises to David, as far as the coming King, would not be thwarted. The Lord would have His way, not without challenge though, as we will see in coming chapters of Kings.
Pastor Russell
Opportunities (2/9/2025)
Superbowl Watch Party - For all who would like to participate in, we hanging out after church for some grinds and the game.
Updates - Cali fire and Prison Ministry
Prayer Points
Lahaina Recovery - Continue to keep in prayer the people of Lahaina and for the entirety of Maui. Long term effects and status of rebuilding, housing for the displaced, job recovery and financial ramifications all come into recovery efforts.
River of Life Mission - Continue to keep the ROLM in prayer during their ongoing outreach into the community. Keep the staff as well as the guests and ministry partners in prayer.
California Wildfire - Continue to pray for the many families affected by the fires.
East Coast - Continue to pray for the ongoing hurricane relief work on the east coast.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - As the Middle East heats up, pray for the nation of Israel along with all of those in this region who have come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.