"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end."

As we turn a hard corner finishing up 2020, we look forward to the next year upcoming,  sure to be fraught with challenges. Covid still in our midst, economic woes ballooning,  rampant corruption and covert intrusion by our enemies, unfinished results with our elections....much lies unsettled in the hearts and lives of people. The one sure thing is the faithfulness of the Lord. He truly has made all things appropriate in His time. Don't fear child of God, cast all your cares upon Him, for He truly cares.

Pastor Russell

Opportunities (7/21/2024)

Pakistan Outreach - Pastor Cliff is requesting prayer as he ministers to the church plat in Pakistan.

Street witnessing - Keep our team in prayer as they continue in the harvest field there on Waikiki beach.

River of Life Mission - Keep the ongoing work of the mission in prayer.

Prayer Points

Lahaina Recovery - Continue to keep in prayer the people of Lahaina and for the entirety of Maui. Long term effects and status of rebuilding, housing for the displaced, job recovery and financial ramifications all come into recovery efforts.

River of Life Mission - Continue to keep the ROLM in prayer. The dynamic ministry is ever changing and morphing. Keep the staff as well as the guests and ministry partners in prayer.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - As the Middle East heats up, pray for the nation of Israel along with all of those in this region who have come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.