2 Kings 8:12
And Hazael asked, "Why does my lord weep?' Then he answered, "Because I know the evil that you will do to the sons of Israel"
Here, we see that much evil that was to come would be revealed to the man of God. He saw the suffering that God's people would go through, and he was moved in his heart and spirit. The Lord may reveal to us, that hard things even we as Christians will go through. While some preach a gospel of health and prosperity, many will encounter periods of hardship that test our faith, having only to rely upon Jesus as we walk with Him. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding."
Pastor Russell
2 Kings 7:4-5
"and let us go over to the camp of the Arameans. And they arose at twilight to go to the camp of the Arameans."
Four leprous men who lived outside of camp indeed felt the effects of blockade. Already living in squalor, their disease made them unfit to enter mainstream society of the day. Already in a state of starvation, probably living in filthy rags, they had nothing to lose as they ventured out in faith, not knowing what awaited them in the enemy camp. What they found was a veritable treasure trove in the empty camp, food, clothing, riches beyond their imagination. Many Christians live like that today, held back by fear, stigma, apprehension or disbelief, as they fail to venture out with faith in the Lord. We are advised to trust in the Lord, leaning not on our own understanding, in all our ways acknowledging Him. (Proverbs 3)
Pastor Russell
2 Kings 6:15-16
"Alas my master! What shall we do?" So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."
Elisha's servant's eyes were filled with the sight of the enemy, and he was filled with fear as he cried out. We at times, hopefully cry out to the Lord as we seem to be overcome by things before us. Blinded by the sheer impending consequences of the situation, the best place for the child of God is to direct our cries to Him. The man's eyes were filled with the sight of the enemy, he was filled with fear as he cried out. We at times, hopefully cry out to the Lord as we seem to be overcome by things before us. Blinded by the sheer impending consequences of the situation, the best place for the child of God is to direct our cries to Him. As the Lord opened the eyes of the man, he then saw the surrounding mountain filled with horses and chariots of fire.
Pastor Russell
Luke 24:5-6
"Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but He has risen."
Whether a resounding cry, or a somber moment, we cannot know the range of emotions and questions, thoughts and wonder that filled the hearts and minds of those worshippers that early morn. It would take a while as the fact of the resurrected Lord would permeate those who sought Him. The words He shared of His crucifixion and resurrection would be called to remembrance, and would become the basis of new hope for all believers, for all time.
Pastor Russell
Psalm 118:27
"Bind the festival sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar."
This psalm chanted by the priests along with several others comprise the Hallel psalms, or psalms of praise, particularly sang during the Passover. Prophetic as it announced the coming of the Lamb of God and His sacrifice once for all. A somber occasion for the child of God, as we remember His death and sacrifice for us, but ultimately, we rejoice at His resurrection and life He gives to us. We sing from this same psalm: "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, hosana, hosana", "this is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it", "open up the gates of righteousness, and I shall enter in", "give thanks to the Lord, His love endures forever", "the Lord is my strength and my song, whom shall I fear". Remember what He has done for us, and rejoice.
Pastor Russell
1 Kings 4:5
"they were bringing vessels to her and she poured."
The life and times of Elisha were peppered with miracle after miracle. From the pouring of oil from vessel to vessel for the prophet's widow, to the gift of a son to the childless woman, then raising him from the dead as he died at an untimely death, the Lord's work through the man of God became evident to all who saw. While we might be able to duplicate the same miracles, the Lord allows us to be a part where we accomplish much the same things. As we pray and support ministries like the River, we see God moving as He pours and pours out blessings spiritual and physical into the heart and lives of many. As we pray and support, we see nations and people groups around the world being affected by the good news of Jesus Christ. God then as He is now continuing to move in His marvelous way through His people.
Pastor Russell
2 Kings 3:27
"Then he took his oldest son who was to reign in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering on the wall. And there came great wrath against Israel, and they departed from him and returned to their own land."
The king of Moab, in his desperation, would offer up his son to the pagan gods, yet to no avail. His army was soundly defeated, the cities destroyed, the land spoiled and water sources stopped up. Yet God displays His grace and mercy in pulling out the army of Israel from the fray. God soundly defeated the foe, yet was not willing to utterly destroy. It shows His long suffering for those who have even a glimmer of hope in Him.
Pastor Russell
2 Kings 2
"I will not leave you....." rang the words of the young man of God to Elijah. Three times he echoed the same sentiment with resolve in his heart. So pronounced was his devotion to his master Elijah, it dregs up remembrance of the Lord's deep devotion to His children. In Hebrews, God's word reminds us, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) For us, we become the beneficiaries of His love and devotion for us. At times, we may feel so separated, and alienated because of sin, undeserving, yet His promise remains for us. He is, our faithful Lord who will not leave us.
Pastor Russell
2 Kings 1:7-8
"What kind of man was he who came up to meet you and spoke these words to you? And they answered him, "He was a hairy man with a leather girdle bound about his loins." And he said, "It is Elijah the Tisbite."
Elijah's identity was ascertained by his physical appearance and his dress. But even more so, he was one who would unabashedly speak of the truth of the word of God. His appearance was second only to God who he represented, and the king was not pleased that his words did not conform to his desired response. Our outward appearance may give off a hint of the Holy Spirit, but surely, it's our words that reveal God's inward workings in and through us.
Pastor Russell
1 Kings 19:14-15
"And I alone am left; and they seek my life to take it away. And the Lord said to him, "Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus,"
A good long period of ministry, along with witnessing many of God's miracles had now come to an abrupt halt. Shocked into a state of fear and dismay, the prophet of God was now paralyzed, looking at his situation. Gently urged, the command now was, to move on, move on in faith, move trusting, not looking at his own situation, but in the Lord's plans and purposes. We like Elijah at times may be stymied to a place of discouragement, but note, that the Lord would have us go on in Him, in all that He has.
Pastor Russell
1 Kings 22:34
'Now a certain man drew his bow at random and struct the king of Israel in the joint of his armor.'
What are the odds, or the chances that some un-named warrior would simply by chance, draw his bow and let a missile fly and strike the king in a joint of his armor? Killing him. You see the Lord had provided so many opportunities for Ahab to relent and change directions, he continued in his idolatry, and now plotted to have the king of Judah killed by his enemy. Like those who desire the utter destruction of the Jews, a time is coming of reckoning, yet the Lord in His love and faithfulness continues to reach out, offering salvation to all who would receive Him.
Pastor Russell
1 Samuel 22:21-22
"And the Lord said. 'Who will entice Ahab to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?' "Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord and said, 'I will entice him.'
The long downward spiral of Ahab seemed long and protracted, almost painful to the reader of this portion of the bible. Yet we've seen God's faithfulness as He gives Ahab ample opportunity to embrace the Lord's grace and mercy, but he wouldn't open his heart to the Lord. He becomes a representative of many in the world today, welcoming Gods help, but refusing to go all in with the Him. Choosing instead to "have it their way", they face an uncertain future outside of the love of Christ. Continue to share and to pray for those around you.
Pastor Russell
1 Kings 20:34
Ahab said, "And I will let you go with this covenant." So he made a covenant and let him go.
This wicked king Ahab not only worshiped false gods, and persecuted God's people, but even given the opportunity would not seek the counsel of the True God. So sure, of himself, he would not give the Lord a second thought or consideration in making this momentous decision regarding the enemy of God's people. We're told here, as a matter of fact, that he made a peace treaty and let the culprit go. This would come back to haunt him we'll see further on in the chapter. So, it becomes a lesson to us, as in all things, we give God a say in our life decisions.
Pastor Russell